Drew Starkey and Jeremy Strong have the same stylist

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I love the scarf tie…

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and same

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Academy inductee timelines are so funny… they let David Yates in like fifteen years after Harry Potter wrapped up?? Secrets of Dumbledore convinced them??

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Ginfluencer Emma Watson IS an Academy voter, fyi...

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david yates got that letter like he was getting invited to hogwarts 🤣

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imo as important as the "expanded membership" is in terms of making things erratic is the impact of parasite's 2019 campaign. ever since parasite and twitter personalities coining "#bonghive" every oscar campaign has been about gathering together a group of people (director/actors) who all just seem *nice* and don't you want to get to know them and don't you just feel *good* supporting them - coda and eeaao carried this to the win, anatomy of a fall had that dog, but you see this this year too with mubi's heavy-handed push for the substance. i guess what makes this year chaotic is that there isn't a clear sentimental favourite, as much as anyone might wish there is...

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this is a really, really good point. i think coda is what your describing plus the classic green book style “huh?” movie-for-everyone push (conclave would be this, if they tried harder i guess). but i’ve been trying to figure out what eeaao “means” and you kind of nail it here. but my thing about it is that it doesn’t really work…. like eeaao was a lightning strike because they had 3 big actor narratives and the a24 push (i think they are far better at their job than neon), but you’re right that none of those efforts took off with complete unknown or substance. everyone is just like “i know who demi moore is.” so i guess it doesn’t work but of course it doesn’t, it’s just more dumb attempts to duplicate the parasite magic, but it IS making the race more erratic for everyone

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famous and beloved…oscar player??? 🫨 our ballots are almost exactly aligned i fear

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b for b!!!!

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Now you have Bs like the B (Belgians like the Brady).

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I loved Timmy’s sag outfit🫶

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